Amigos, ya tenéis a vuestra disposición en nuestra tienda virtual (
el pack que incluye todos 8 CDs oficiales a un precio especial para
celebrar estos primeros 10 años de producción musical iniciada en 2002.
Aprovecho esta ocasión para agradecer a todas las personas que me apoyan
y me dan la fuerza necesaria para poder seguir adelante.
Friends, now you have available in our virtual shop ( one CD Pack including all our 8 official works at a special price to celebrate these first 10 years of music production started in 2002 . I take this opportunity to thank all the people who support me and give me the strength to keep going.
Friends, now you have available in our virtual shop ( one CD Pack including all our 8 official works at a special price to celebrate these first 10 years of music production started in 2002 . I take this opportunity to thank all the people who support me and give me the strength to keep going.